Gut Hohen Luckow – East – Germany
11 May 2023

Gut Hohen Luckow. A modern farm with about 3,000 dairy cows. A company that is committed to sustainability and healthy growth!
Gut Hohen Luckow combines agriculture and culture. The centrepiece of the extensive estate is the ochre-coloured country home. You can relive history here. The Herrenhuis is also the heart of the village and therefore very important for community life. There is a farm school for children, but also for teachers and parents, so that they can learn interesting facts about agriculture in a playful way. Cultural events are organised here, you can attend concerts, celebrate family parties or stay as a guest and spend the night in the chamber tower. This also gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at the unique collection of earthenware and pewter tureens and several works of art.
Farming with joy
Gut Hohen Luckow is an important employer in the region, they manage agriculture and milk production with modern know-how, sustainability and pleasure. Important conditions for this are good livestock conditions with comfort for the animals, adapted plant cultivation as well as competent and contented employees.
Well thought-out feed management
For us, sustainability means producing high-quality food without losing sight of profitability in order to remain on the market. The cows enjoy the comfort of a modern barn, well thought-out feed management and the care of qualified staff. We have been feeding our cows using the Peecon Biga feed mixers for more than 20 years now. We have these at several locations and their capacities vary from 30 m3 to 50 m3.
We also work with the Cargo tipping trailers for the transport of our harvests and with the slurry tankers for the transport of manure. The fast and excellent service provided by the Peeters Group ensures continuity and operational reliability.
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